Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blog about Twitter

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?

To say that Twitter and a BlackBoard discussion are on two complete different ends on a spectrum would be an understatement. 

Firstly, the idea of even having a BlackBoard discussion is a cumbersome task, with very little functionality besides its main purpose- to send a message to another group of people. The act of doing it- whether it be with pictures or any form of media- is very complicated. Half the time it may not even work, but that's a story for another day. Twitter, on the other hand, maintains a quicker pace in terms of  messaging between people. It's simpler, looks much more streamlined, and has a better capability to send not just text posts- pictures, videos, external links, etc. 

An in-class discussion, in my opinion, is better than a Twitter discussion. The eye-contact, speaking ability, and the the very idea of having everyone present and exchanging ideas in real time is much better than a Twitter conversation. Sure, a more personal conversation may not have the quickness of sharing pictures and other media. But, people have been connected for far too long these days. Human interaction is always a plus.

1 comment:

  1. Blackboard could be a much better tool for students to use if there was better functionality. A cleaner look, the abilty to group chat with classmates, mobile functionality are all some things that would help Blackboard become a better platform
