Monday, September 15, 2014

Description of Project

Hello all (and more specifically, Professor Weisel)!

     For my term paper, the topic I want to delve into is the issue of new media in its current state and society as a whole. New media as a whole has helped our world progress in ways we would never even fathom just a decade ago. We see news in real time, watch TV shows and movies within an instant on our laptops, and buy clothes and accessories with a press of a button on our phones. The older generation may see us as being lazy and spoon-fed every facet of life. I see us as in the middle of a large-scale technological revolution, that may even surpass (or even already surpassed) the technology boom of the Cold War era. But, much like that period of time, there are substantial problems with today's advancements. Privacy issues, becoming completely addicted, outage scares, and corporations trying to put a sort of "toll" for use of these advancements have slowed down the process of this generations progression into a new world. The last facet in particular has been a surprising development within the last few years. Charging for extra use of the internet, putting caps on usage, limited bandwidth, and slowing down, or shutting down completely, the Internet. Our technology is being slowly subsidized, and I want to know why. My paper, for the time being, will try and shed more light on these practices and why, as a society, we should be concerned.  

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