Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Next New Thing

I had written my term paper on the new medium of streaming, and it's many uses since its introduction into our new age of technology. The CEO if Netflix had proclaimed that in 16 or so years, broadcast TV will be dead. And I wholeheartedly agree with him. The fact of that matter is, we've come into a new dawn of capabilities, where our internet speeds are fast enough to stream not only shows, but giant, HD movies, as well.I feel like Netflix will be the first to use that expansive ability to create a service that not only provides shows, but Live TV, as well. Maybe, JUST maybe, cable companies will come to realize that cable and satellite services are the last generations "new toy", and the "new toy" of this generation is the convenient use of watching anything and everything on laptops, tablets, and phones- wirelessly, and affordably. And because some of the bigger giants, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, have already created a niche within this target segment, it would be ahrder for cable providers, such as TWC and Comcast, to create a monopoly of sorts and extort money from their customers.

It would be a beautiful thing, and something that I hope would happen soon.

1 comment:

  1. I haven`t sat down and watched television in years and that's mainly due to the convenience of online streaming. I can watch my favorite shows online with no commercials or fear that I`ll miss something if I leave the room and do not make it back on time. I have total control and I wouldn`t want to go back to the being a slave to scheduled television programming.
